What do you find worth preserving for the future? Do you have a collection, tradition, sport, ritual, party, habit, or memory you treasure and share with others?

Discover the many Antwerp locals that make heritage together. From African robes to ship model building. From cricket to mustaches. From vinyl to goose riding. Heritage can be anything. Anything can be valuable to us. 

Noortje portrayed 1200 Antwerp locals, together with photographer Dries Luyten, with the heritage they are most proud of and feel most connected to. The result is the photo- and story expo ‘Alles van waarde’ (‘Everything of value’). Visit MAS until March 2023, or discover it online. 

Photo’s by Noortje Palmers
Portraits by Dries Luyten & Noortje Palmers
Concept by Jasper&Noortje